Monthly Archives: February 2016

Dear Hollywood: Michael Jackson Was Black (and Proud)

Glad to reblog this fantastic post. I particular am interested in this paragraph being highlighted: “Who he was cannot be erased by the many attempts to rob him of his character and dignity. They tried to do it while he was alive and now, in death, they are trying to rob him of his identity with this show and that cannot be overlooked.”

Again, thank you.

Aisha K. Staggers

As submitted to the Huffington Post Blog


The casting of a white man as Michael Jackson in a TV series set in 2001 is more than unnerving. It is actually a complete contradiction of who MJ was in 2001 and throughout his life. The year 2001 was a year, that if you look and listen to Jackson himself, he was nothing but a black man ringing the alarm about racism in the music industry. The industry was shaken by his outing of racist practices pertaining to black artists and, in a way, retaliated with MJ once again being portrayed as a druggie whose accusations were the rantings indicative of an addict and by 2003, an accused child molester. The latter, if you research the charges, the district attorney’s office, the witnesses and the testimony of others, was nothing more than an aberration of his character and a clear attempt to…

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Posted by on February 1, 2016 in Cadeflaw Interviews