Sponsorship – Butterfly Project

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Michael Jackson was a strong humanitarian and cared about the well-being and happiness of children all over the world and education was a strong part of his message to youth around the world.

Since his death there has been many beautiful tributes in his honor; books written about him; money donated by thousands of fans and given in his name.

After almost three years Vanessa Little, CADeflaw Research Director whispered what many of us were thinking but would never say aloud. Why is Gary, Indiana being left out? What about the students and what are we doing for them? There are many things required to sustain acceptable education in these schools and we asked ourselves what can we do as a group made up of thousands, to let the children of Gary know they are not forgotten and that we love them?

We must reinvest in our schools and focus on the future. Only then will we be able to leave behind a positive legacy, one that Michael Jackson struggled so hard to strive toward and one that we can all be proud of. We must be champions for our children.

Our group has reached out to support Gary, Indiana schools. We have been blessed in supporting a school in the city, Frankie Woods McCullough Girls’ Academy, which has relocated to a newly renovated building for the school term 2011 – 2012. The students have maintained excellent academic goals throughout the years and can you imagine how excited they will be when they become the recipients of new laptops, projectors and interactive white boards in each classroom.

We also have high hopes that these young women can receive the computer equipment they so require and deserve. We invite the residents of Gary and the entire Michael Jackson community to join us in this endeavor and assist as much as they possibly can.

Together, we can make our voices heard and protect our children, our schools, and Gary’s future. Let’s allow these beautiful “butterflies” to emerge from their cocoon.

Cadeflaw Gary, IN Butterfly Page on Facebook

Follow us on twitter CADEFLAW and @mjbrookins

Donate to Butterfly School Project here


One response to “Sponsorship – Butterfly Project

  1. MJ Brookins

    May 6, 2017 at 6:47 pm


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